Announcing our latest collaboration with SkillsFuture Singapore!
Read more about it here

The #1 Skills Management Platform for Skill-Intensive, Technical Industries

JobKred is an AI-powered workforce transformation platform, using skills intelligence to help companies better track, develop and retain their workers.

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empowering companies

Startup to Enterprise

Whether you’re a startup looking to build a skilled team or an established enterprise seeking workforce optimisation, JobKred stands as your trusted partner. With our skills management software, we’re dedicated to driving your success and growth.

Achieving Outcomes

Focused on Success

Leveraging the leading skills management software developed in Singapore, JobKred offers an unparalleled platform designed to navigate the complexities of skills and competency management. We’ve helped hundreds of companies achieve outcomes, such as faster skills gain, increased skills fit, increased retention, and easier skills management.
Validated skills tracked
Client retention
Job profiles created

FOR Competitive, fast-moving industries

Build an agile and flexible workforce

Build a multi-talented workforce that can meet the evolving demands of industry and customers, and ensure your company can excel in a competitive market.
Foster Versatile Employees: Develop cross-functional skill-sets, identify key skills and new technologies to focus on, detect and close skills gaps, and ensure that your company is developing the latest capabilities and best skills to win.
Deploy & Retain Valuable Talent: Set career development pathways, identify succession candidates, grow a pipeline of experienced talent by deploying workers for projects and jobs, and build a competitive edge by having and effectively utilising the best talent in the business.


Track, Assess and Grow the Skills of Your Workforce

We employ sophisticated skills management software that assesses workforce capabilities, identifies skill gaps, and predicts future needs, aligning with industry trends and business objectives. By facilitating targeted training and career development, JobKred ensures employees are prepared for both current roles and future opportunities, boosting organisational competitiveness and employee satisfaction while minimising turnover.

Enable the movement to a skills-based future of work by empowering your company with JobKred’s automated skills management and development software. Our system offers:

Our UNique Value

Why Clients Prefer JobKred’s Skills Management Software

View all sub-features
APAC, USA, Europe skills data, languages, and implementation expertise, ready for global deployment
Configurable permissions, data, security and dashboards for the complex needs of multi-region enterprises
Proven success with business outcomes, such as increased workforce productivity, talent retention, cost savings, etc
GDPR, PDPA compliance along with enterprise-grade security trusted by global enterprises and government clients
Successful engagements from SMEs to Fortune 500 companies, as well as national-level deployments
Trusted by and working with Best-In-Class partners, such as international consulting firms and market-leading tech companies

Start Your Skills Journey Today

Let us run a customised pilot for you. Discover how our skills management software can revolutionise your approach to employee development and skills tracking.

Explore beyond skills management with our comprehensive suite of HR solutions, including a skills intelligence platform and career development software, designed to enhance every aspect of your talent management strategy.
Build your competency framework within 7 days
System usage training and support provided